Monday, February 13, 2012

Sad News...
My gunpla career is done there will no longer be any gunpla on this only maybe occasional updates on the gundam series but that is it.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Model Kits?
I was wondering how far you people take model kit building (as in gundam models) even though it is not for a show. Do you stop at just building? Gundam Marker? Paint? Or maybe even a full blown resin kit with metal parts, lights, and super glossy paint?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gundam AGE Episode 17
AWWWWWW!!! No Age 2 in this episode yet but there was tons of character development. Asemu becomes "friends" with a mysterious kid named Zeheart. Zeheart is shown to be obviously a spy and I have no idea how Asemu didn't completely see through his guise. Asemu still has little motivation although he knows that he must protect the Age 1 with his life. A girl named Romary seems to take a liking to Asemu now that he has saved her and Asemu seems to be taking notice. I hope we see more Age 2 but I know that character development is important. Overall I thought this episode was pretty cool it had a small fight scene at the end but it was nothing to write home about. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

I guess gundam is the only mech anime for me...
I stopped watching Linebarrels of Iron because it got really corny and even the action couldn't make up for how bad it was. Sigh~ I guess I'm just going to have to wait for that new episode.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Waiting for new episode of Gundam AGE
Ughhhh I am soooo impatient you guys don't even know. I just can't wait for that new episode. I have been watching other mech animes to keep my mind off of it but it's not working too well. Aw well. Just so this post actually has some relevance I must say the new design for the age two is an incredible improvement. I has better proportions, color distribution and the variations it has are, from what I've seen, much more practical and impressive.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

In Other Mech News
Oh god I watched the first episode of Linebarrels of Iron and let me tell yah... IT WAS AWESOME! The mechs were nice, the animation was spectacular, and the last line *SPOILER FOR EPISODE ONE* "There can be no future for you- because- you see- you are already dead...". That sold it for me I am going to watch this whole series.
Gundam Age New Main Character

Here is what I think about the new character Asemu

I think he is a lot more mature than what they made Flit in his debut. Although I think Asemu didn't have as much motivation as Flit did. For example Flit's motivation was his mother was killed but Asemu is only doing this for the love of mobile suits and because his father told him to. Yes I know they were attacked but everyone  in his family apparently got away safely. Overall I guess I like the new character but he needs a bit more motivation.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


That is me right now. I can't decide whether my 1/144 00 gundam should be styled into a more final fantasy'ish mech I guess or a more gundam feel. I guess I will see when the supplies and MS come in the mail.